Saturday, November 15, 2008

11-0 UTES

Today i watched my Utes go 11-0. I'm so stoked for next week bring it on zoobs! Every year around this time I feel the Savage beast in me come alive. I wait for months as it builds and it all comes to a head for one game UTAH vs TDS(Team down south). The best part is they talk all that smack about the "Quest" and what happens they get beat by TCU. This is my favorite time of year it's the week of RED vs blue, Good vs Evil, and Talk vs Action.

So here we go Zoobs,

Are you ready? you've had two lucky years and now it ends. save all your national championship talk for each other because the truth is it was a popularity contest it wasn't earned. We were the first BCS busters and we had to work our butts off for it does 12-0 ring a bell. so wear your colors and enjoy your last week of bragging. on the 22nd when you step on to our field you'll feel something that will make you doubt yourself. It's the electricity of 45,000 UTE FANS who are all gunning for you. You can try to ignore it or hide. The truth is you should be worried Why you ask?

Because we are true fans win or lose we love our team. where as you only love your team when they win. If you were true through and through maybe I'd like you a little,But your fake so I will continue to hate all things TDS!!!

So I will leave you with this thought: Evil only prevails when good men do nothing and I can assure you we will do something about you B*U!!!!

GO UTES!!!!!

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